Kenny Marshall speculates that because John Stevenson was probably at at sea Mary Ellen Stevenson choose the Browns’ home to give birth to her first child Hugh Grant Stevenson . On the baptism registration this is at least the registered address for Hugh Grant Stevenson . Note that Hugh Stevenson is registered as the father…
Stevenson Family

Month: March 2020
2 Upper Surrey street – the Browns’ 1901
In 1901 this address was recorded as being the family home of John & Mary Brown. John Brown (born in Denmark) was then recorded as being mariner; in later records he is master mariner. He was married to Mary Fowler (John Stevenson’s half-sister). Mary’s younger sister Martha was sharing the same accomadation. Upper Surrey street…
Fearnside street – Brown family home
John Brown and his family eventually moved to Fearnside street. Aunty Mary mentions this street in her memoires. Only the church St. Dunstables (corner of Fearnside street & Earle road see photo) remains. All the other buildings have been demolished and redeveloped.
40 Newstead road – the Stevenson family Hub
40 Newstead road was THE family home to most of the Stevensons between 1930 and 1956. I remember it as having a huge beamed attic which was accessible via stairs. We kids played hide in seek there while our mums and dads went about their business downstairs. John & Mary Ellen Stevenson shared their home…
Maitland street – John Stevenson’s family home & later home to John Egbert Stevenson’s family
4 Maitland street was the home to two generations of Stevensons. No wonder that Mary Stevenson mentions Maitland street in her memoires, she was born there, as was George!! Later after John Stevenson and family moved to Newstead road, John Egbert Stevenson married Vera Dunn of 5 Maitland street and they started their family at…
34 Chatsworth street – Stevensons & Browns
When John Stevenson completed his examinations and became Master Mariner he and Mary Ellen were sharing a dwelling with the Brown family. Accoding to the 1911 census they were still sharing but by then Hugh (3) and Harriet (1) had been born. John Brown (a Danish master mariner) was married to John Stevenson’s half sister…
Exe Street (1940 -1960) – Mary & Bert Smith
10 Exe street is where the family home of Mary (Stevenson) and Bert Smith was located. However aunty Mary first lived at 12 Exe street the home of Bert Smith’s mum . Strangely 12 Exe street was falsely entered as the residence of both Alec McGowan and Brenda Frances Prince when they married into the…
14 Lily Grove (1912) – John Egbert Stevenson
14 Lily Grove was in 1912 the registered birth place of John Egbert Stevenson . John & Mary Ellen Stevenson certainly moved around a bit every child seems to have been born at a different house. Lily Grove no longer exists but it was a located where Lybro Way now is, halfway down Dorothy Drive…