The Brownlow Hill workhouse and infirmary was was one of the largest workhouses in England and became notable for its role in advancing the training of nurses. The workhouse was demolished in 1931, and the site is now occupied by the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral.

Harriet & Hugh workhouse 1877 - prior lived in vernon st
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The first record we have for an admittance is that of Mark Grant (Hugh Grant’s father) on the 13th of June 1863. His stay was brief being discharged on the 1st of July 1863. He was 18 at the time.

Harriet Forrester is recorded as an inmate of the Brownlow Hill workhouse on 3 occasions the first of which was just two months before the birth of Hugh Grant her son. Because her admissions were never for long periods these were probably to the infirmary.

On the first occasion the day of admission is recorded as 12th of April 1872 and just a week later on the 19th of April she was discharged.

The second admittance was recorded on the 16th of October 1876. Her stay this time was for 6 weeks; she was discharged on the 28th of November. We have no idea where Hugh was during this period. He doesn’t appear in any records and so was probably staying with family.

The third and last record of Harriet being admitted to the Brownlow Hill workhouse was just a 6 months later. This time Hugh was admitted with her. On the 2nd of May 1877 both were admitted, however Hugh was transferred on the 18th of May to Kirkdale Industrial school. Harriet was discharged on the 2nd of September.

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