Kenny Marshall and my father grew up as brothers in the same house ie. 40 Newstead road. My father was John & Mary Stevenson’s youngest child and Kenny was and still is their eldest grandchild. I still have vivid memories of meetings between my dad and Kenny before we moved to the Isle of Man in 1965. I never did meet him again until…..I discovered that he was living just a short distance from my brother Eugene in Colwyn Bay. It must have been planned since I had previously tried sending him emails but received no response. I assumed he had passed away. Since then I visit him every time we go to North Wales. Below are links to his personal website that he made several years ago. It is only available via internet archives so no use googling for it (but nothing really dissappears from internet does it?).

Hope you enjoy the information..
Note: It is slow to load so please be patient, the documents are well worth looking at.
Kenny’s website home page can be found here.
This link gives access to many of John Stevenson’s personal documents.